BMP Maintenance, Inc.

Virginia Beach - Newport News - Richmond


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BMP Maintenance, Inc. provides professional stormwater maintenance services for property owners throughout Virginia.  From installation of a new pond or manufactured BMP to maintenance and repair of existing stormwater systems, BMP Maintenance, Inc. has the knowledge and experience to help with all of your stormwater needs.


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Our Business

Every property has a need to manage stormwater runoff. Without proper controls, stormwater could cause a lot of damage to a property or to properties downstream. We help maintain the controls in place designed to manage the stormwater runoff and protect your property.

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Our Goal

Our goal is to manage the stormwater maintenance needs of our property owners in an efficient and cost effective manner so that they can focus on the goals of their business.

After receiving a BMP inspection report noting several deficiencies from the city, BMP Maintenance, Inc. was able to bring our pond back into compliance and remove the anxieties of our board members
— K. Helmer
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A Trusted Service

At BMP Maintenance, we offer a wide variety of services: Inspections, Maintenance, Repairs, Fountains and complete BMP Construction Services. With our expertise and experience, we help ensure the value and functionality of your BMP is maintained for many years.